Open Science Week 2023

We would like to cordially invite you to this year’s Open Science Week, which will take place in a hybrid format from 16th to 20th October 2023.

This year, we have joined forces with other universities in the Czech Republic to offer you the best during the Open Science Week! The event will span five days in five cities in the Czech Republic and online, with each day focusing on a different topic of open science. You can look forward to Czech and international speakers, discussions, talks and community meetings.

On Monday, we will have a look at open science initiatives in the Czech Republic, and you will learn how to get grants with open science from research funders. Tuesday will be dedicated to research data, and if you happen to be in Ostrava, you can attend the first in-person meeting of the Czech data steward community or have a look at the Karolina supercomputer. On Wednesday, our colleagues from Brno will guide you through the legal jungle and answer your questions about handling sensitive data. During Thursday, you will discover that open access doesn’t have to cost a lot of money! Mostly international guests will show you the power of the research community and introduce other initiatives and forms of open access. Friday will be dedicated to citizen science and the scientific community. Whether you attend in person or join us online, you will certainly not regret it! Several of the talks will be held in English, so be sure to join!

We are continuously updating the event program, and you can find the latest information and the registration form on the website of the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities. Registration is important if you would like to join us online so that we can send you a link to the event.

We are looking forward to seeing you at Open Science Week 2023!

Open Science Support Centre

Charles University

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